Balaam appointment is our Eid-Al-Fitr, Easter gift, says West Nile Promoters

By Andrew Cohen AmvesiARUA. The promoters in the West Nile sub-region under the National Federation of Entertainment Promoters Limited (NAFEP) have described the recent ministerial appointment of their boss, Balaam Barugahara Ateenyi as an Eid-Al-Fitr and Easter gift for them.Speaking to this reporter in an exclusive interview on Monday, Stephen Ramandan, the NAFEP representative for the West Nile region said Balaam’s appointment came at a time when Muslims and Christians are almost finishing fasting – meaning his appointment is a festive blessing ahead of Eid-Al-Fitr and Easter celebrations.Ramandan said given his tireless effort in empowering artistes and promoters in Uganda, they are very optimistic that with the new ministerial position, Balaam is going to do a lot in transforming the lives of music and events promoters in the country.Balaam was appointed as the state minister for youth and children affairs in a cabinet reshuffle President Yoweri Museveni announced on Thursday last week.He was appointed alongside Lilian Aber, the new minister of state for relief and disaster preparedness, and Dr. Kenneth Omona, the state minister for Northern Uganda Affairs, with Asio Omaswa taking over his position as the Principal Private Secretary to the President.But the news of Balaam’s appointment caused a lot of excitement among West Nile promoters who have vowed to die behind him.“We are so much excited about Balaam’s ministerial appointment and as music and events promoters in the West Nile region, we would like to thank President Museveni for thinking about our boss. Balaam has been there for the youth, artistes and promoters in this country, trying to do what he can to see that their lives improve. Now with the new ministerial appointment, I’m sure he will do a lot for us,” Ramandan said in a telephone interview.“As West Nile promoters, we want to take this opportunity to congratulate our boss, Balaam upon this well-deserved appointment. His appointment has come as an Eid-Al-Fitr and Easter gift for us. On behalf of all music and events promoters in West Nile, I would like to pledge our total support for Balaam. We shall be behind him all the time,” Ramandan promised.Balaam also serves as the National Vice Chair for the Patriotic League of Uganda (PLU) for Western region, a new movement spearheaded by Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba who was on the fateful day appointed as the new Chief of Defence Forces (CDF).In the same veil, Ramandan congratulated Gen. Muhoozi upon the new assignment which he said will see him continue supporting Balaam in transforming the lives of children, youth and promoters among other people in the country.  

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