EC Extends Compilation Exercise Of Voters Register Ahead of Women Council Elections.

By Evans Najuna

Kampala – The Electoral Commission has extended the compilation exercise of voters Register for 4 more days. In a statement released on Monday evening by the commission Chairperson Justice Mugenyi Simon Byabakama.

Some of the EC  officials checking the voter register recently. Courtesy photo.

It states, “The compilation (registration) exercise commenced on Friday 10th June 2022 and was scheduled to close on Monday, 13th June 2022.

However, due to higher numbers of applicants at some registration centers since the beginning of this exercise, and requests from key stakeholders in the electoral process, the Electoral Commission has found it necessary and taken a decision to extend the compilation (registration) period for four (4) more days, starting from Tuesday 14th June and ending on Friday 17th June 2022, after which, there will be no further extension.” The statement reads.

Women lining up to check their names in the voters register recently. Courtesy photo.

the Electoral Commission further added that this exercise will continue to be conducted at registration centers in each village/cell throughout Uganda, starting from 8:00am to 6:00pm, throughout the extended period. The Electoral commission is compiling a Register of Women Residents in each village/cell across Uganda to enable all willing female residents aged 18 years and above, to register in order to participate in women councils and committees Elections, 2022, within their respective villages.

The Commission explained that the purpose of this extension is to provide an opportunity for all eligible women who have not yet registered to do so.

An EC official  registering new voters in the register. Courtesy photo.

It further highlighted and reminded the general public to carefully follow the guideline requirements that includes; Only willing Ugandan females of eighteen (18) years and above, who are residents in their respective cells/villages as being eligible to register. The registration exercise shall be for the purpose of electing the Village Women’s Executive Committee, the village women residents shall be registered in a customized Register Book provided by the Electoral Commission, and that any person appearing for registration shall be required to provide some particulars to the Village Election Official including, names, national identity number (NIN) or application ID Number, age, gender, and village of residence where by the registration exercise is free of charge.

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