First lady To Grace Ntungamo Women’s Day Celebrations.

By Evans Najuna

WallnetNews/NTUNGAMO– News coming in indicates that the first Lady Hon. Janet Kataha Museveni who doubles as the Minister of Education and Sports is expected to grace Ntungamo Women’s Day Celebrations.

In the confirmation letter dated 9th May this year authored by Ms. Irene Kauma, Permanent Secretary Ministry of Education and sports to Josyline Kamateneti, Ntungamo woman Mp. The letter indicates that the first lady acknowledged and accepted to attend the celebrations.

Letter confirming attendence of the First Lady

Speaking with wallnetnews reporter on Monday evening, people irrespective of age have started planning early to welcome the First lady whom they also call the ‘Maama of Ntungamo’.

The event is slated to take place at Kyamate Playground. Ntungamo District will be celebrating and adding their efforts to International Women’s Day (IWD) Which was celebrated on 8th March under the theme ‘Creating culture and system that ensure gender equality today for a better tomorrow’.

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