Former Ntare Sch. H/M late Humphrey’s Family At War Over Properties

By Our reporter


The family of Late Humphrey Ahimbisibwe, the former Headmaster Ntare School in Mbarara is on fire as family members, the wife and children are busy fighting for some properties which includes the Will.

It’s one year after the death of the Headmaster of the top prominent schools in Western Uganda that includes Ntare School, Bweranyangi Girls SS, Muntuyera High Scho Kitunga, and many others.

Ahimbisibwe left a huge legacy in the education sector in Uganda.
However, just one year period of his resting, the conflict between the family members woes. The widow Rest Akiki Ahimbisibwe and his elder son Kenneth Tumusiime Ahimbisibwe are thought not to be on good talking terms.

Keneth Tumusime the eldest son to Humphrey Ahimbisibwe

Sources have revealed that the two have issues about the Will which was left to the eldest son Tumusiime as an heir. As We speak, there is a case in court that was filed by the mother Akiki claiming that the Will should be changed, since there are two people who were wrongly put as executors of this family.

According sources, it is said that there are some properties which the late left and now some of the members of the family want to sell them off. It is further said that the late Ahimbisibwe left two children whom he produced from another woman and he put them in the same Will but some members of the family didn’t want these children to share anything on these properties. There is a conflict on some land in Kashaka where the family members have misunderstandings.

Last week, the family had organized a function for a memorial lecturer of Late Ahimbisibwe legacy and launch of his book which he had written before he died, unfortunately the function flopped as people they had invited couldn’t turn up. Surprisingly, the wife of the late Ahimbisibwe (Akiki) also shunned the function.

Sources say that she was not part of these arrangements therefore she could not attend this function. The eldest son Tumusime was the one organizing this function. Dr. Sheldon Mwesigwa was expected as the chief Guest who did not turn up also.
According to Tumusime, he said that much as the function did not go successful but he accomplished his Dad’s will and interest of launching his book.

The book was about “management causes of strikes in secondary schools” which Late Ahimbisibwe wrote but passed on before launching it.

Tumusime said that people did not turn up as they expected because some of his relatives who are fighting agendas  contacted a number of invited people influencing them not to attend this function since they were not part of the prgamising committee.

Non of Ahimbisibwe’s children attended this function apart from Tumusime who was the organizer. The book was finally launched at Adit Mall by Pastor Silas Tayebwa of King of Kings Church in the presence of not more than 20 people.

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