Hoima City RCC Badru Mugabi with his deputy Williams Katsigaz


Hoima City RCC Badru Mugabi with his deputy Williams Katsigaz
Hoima City RCC, Badru Mugabi with his deputy, Williams Katsigazi

The Hoima City RCC, Mr. Badru Mugabi together with his deputy, Mr Williams Kasigazi Donanto has rallied Hoima city political leadership to champion and mobilize citizens to embrace government programs.

This was during the meeting between the RCC, deputy, city mayor Brian Kaboyo and his executive at city offices .

The team reminded the political leadership that the president is very passionate about skilling and it’s the reason why the government is establishing industrial parks in different regions of the country to see that young people gain skilling experience and get ready to work and produce quality work.

The team asked leaders to mobilise for Bunyoro region to benefit and the city as well also parish model and emyooga should be prioritized.

They also reminded the leadership that government development programs should not be played around but also promised team work and see the government delivers.

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