Hold On To Go For Sexual Activities – RCC  to Students
Our Reporter
The president’s representative Col. James Mwesigye, the Mbarara City  RCC has urged the young patriotics to wait involving themselves into sexual activities before they are done with their studies
While speaking to the young patriotics at Bishop Stuart core PTC Kibingo in Mbarara City South Division, Mwesigye told the students who were passed as Patriotics to take their time, concentrate on their studies and hold on to engage in sexual activities.  That students at this college are just grade 3 training teachers which he understands that it has been abolished, that they need to go to Diploma and to the degree or further for Masters. This meant that they must avoid sexual activities and wait for maturity when they will enjoy it as much as they can.
Helton Kamuhangire the Principal Bishop Stuart Core PTC Kibingo
“I was really embarrassed when I heard that one of  the students at this college got pregnant and was allowed to go and produce, she later came with the child and she neglected the child to the mother. Therefore am telling these students that it’s not their time to involve themselves in sexual activities. They should hold on, concentrate on their studies then finish and get jobs because they are just beginning. Let them wait when they get mature and will have sex many times they want” said Mwesigye.
The Principal Bishop Stuart Core PTC  Kibingo, Helton Kamuhangire said that due to covid 19 lockdown right from 2020 to 2021 their students went home, some became hopeless and  they never expected they would come back to school and because of being home, being redundant they could sometimes have peer groups because of peer pressure and some of them found themselves  pregnant.
Mbarara RCC Col. Mwesigye dressing one of the Patriotics at Bishop Stuart Core PTC Kibingo
That according to the stand of government of Uganda, they decided to bring them back to school after producing and finish their courses. ” Actually We even had one who got pregnant but we allowed her with her baby and did her exams in 2020 and she has finished her course successfully with her baby. Therefore being pregnant does not determine the end of your life and these people we have hopes that in  future they are going to be successful to Uganda. I therefore encourage my students that since they have finished their patriotism training, I have seen my students, they have understood to be encouraged and await after getting their resources to help them to go into those things of marriage so that when they produce children they can be able to look after them” said Kamuhangire.
About 116 students have been passed as patriotics by the RCC. According to Francis Kambamu the trainer of these students said that it took them a period of only four days to train these students to become patriotics. Kambamu who is also a staff at this college said that they got a short notice from the secretariat to train the students, that the course is aiming at promoting patriotism in young generations and learn how to love, protect their country. That there is still a challenge of ignorance in students and in young generation. That most of them are being diverted by bad elements who don’t love this country.
Bishop Stuart Core PTC is expected to be promoted to a University by next Year.

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