By Our Reporter

Kabale – The outgoing Bishop of Kabale Diocese has called on lay leaders to invest more in children, youth and mothers.
The Bishop made the remarks on Thursday, this week at the consecration service of Rev. Charis Kanyesigye as the Archdeacon of St. Mark Nyakyijimba COU, Southern Division Kabale Municipality.


Kanyesigye has been serving at St. Andrews Church in Nyabikoni ward for five months before he was appointed as the Archdeacon of St. Mark Nyakyijumba.
Nyakyumba COU which is located in southern Division Rushakyi ward along Kabale – Mbarara Road was founded in 1986


Addressing the congregation, the Bishop of the Kigezi Diocese Rt Rev Eng George Bagamuhunda urged the appointed Archdeacon to invest in the children, youth and mother’s union for the benefit of the church.


He further appealed to Charis to accept advice from his executive members and stay focused on the word of God

Charis Kanyesigye, the appointed archdeacon, pledged to have cooperation among the believers. He called upon christians to bring constructing ideas for the benefits of the church

At the same function, the State Minister forTrade and Industry Hon David Bahati donated a brand new motorcycle Bajaj Boxer UF 166S to the church which is going to assist the archdeacon in carrying out church activities.


In his speech which was read by the LC 5 Councilor Representing Kamuganguzi Sub county Hon Murungi Peace Rutarimara, Hon David Bahati congratulated the Newly and first appointed Archdeacon Rev Charis Kanyesigye.

Bahati also applauded the Bishop of the Kigezi Diocese for having tremendous achievements in his term of office.


Bahati urged the christians to involve themselves in government programs most especially the Parish development model and urged those who haven’t finished their COVID-19 vaccination to get their second dose of the vaccines available.

The motorcycle donated by Minister Bahati to the new Arch Deacon

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