Kabale Murders on The Rise as Another Unidentified Body Discovered in Katuna Swamp.

By Evans Najuna

WallnetNews/KABALE — Police in Kabale are investigating circumstances under which an unidentified male adult was murdered.

It’s alleged that on the 08/05/2022 at around 2110hrs, the officer in charge Katuna police station received information that there was a dead body lying within Katojo cell swamp, Katuna town council.

A team from Katuna visited the scene and confirmed the incident and put measures to protect the scene of crime as they waited for communication from Cps Kabale for further management.

Kigezi Police spokesperson Elly Matte, confirmed the developments saying that, on the 09/05/2022 at around 08:00hrs, a team from Kabale Cps visited the scene, the body was found lying in swampy and muddy area, tied both arms from behind with a shirt, both arms were fractured, with cut injuries on the head and wounds on the whole body, suggesting that he was beaten. Matte further added that the body was completely naked, hence no identification document recovered.

The team then drew the sketch of the scene and documented it. The body was later taken to Kabale hospital mortuary for postmortem.

There has been a lot of murders in kabale in the recent days, something police attributes to the rogue gang groups mostly using intoxicating drugs.

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