National Water And Sewerage Corporation Offices Launched In Rukiga District
By Byamukama Libino
Officials from National water and Sewerage Corporation yesterday launched their offices in Rukiga District.
Addressing the members who had attended the launch at set Light Hotel in Rukiga District, Rukiga County MP Hon Ndyomugyenyi Bish who was the guest of honor said it’s a good step to have an independent office.
Ndyomugyenyi added that water is life and most of the villages have been water stressed in the area and this is going to reduce the risk of being infected by diseases through taking the stagnant water.
He warned the public against being threats to the contractors who will be installing the water pipes in their areas saying that stealing or cutting the pipes, it’s them who will be loosing.
Dr Silvia Tumuheirwe Arinaitwe who is the Deputy Managing Director National Water and sewerage corporation said Rukiga having an independent office from that of kabale means that Rukiga is going to have its own Budgets and targets.
She added that residents are going to benefit as services are going to be brought nearer and that their water is treated compared to stagnant water which they have been fetching from the swamps and at times sharing water sources with the Animals.
Silvia added that the piped water is going to save the long distances  travelled to and from water sources down the mountains and this is going to create time for other activities like agriculture. She called upon the public to embrace the project that has been brought by the government. She warned that cutting water pipes hampers the services and it contaminates the pipes.
Silvia also urged the public to be cooperative and not hike the price of their lands which they will be buying to set up their machines.
Rukiga DistrictResidents district commissioner applauded the NRM government for its initiative to have this project in Rukiga
 He added that the women in the district have been fetching water in swamps and sharing water sources with Animals, something which has been putting their lives at risk of being infected with diseases. The Rukiga District woman MP Hon Kamusiime Caroline Muhwezi who was represented by her political assistant Tushabomwe Merab pledged total support to the project and pledged to visit their offices as soon as she returns to Uganda.
Kamusiime added that in most of the villages where she has constructed boreholes, residents would travel long distances down mountains to fetch stagnant water in the swamps and the situation would become worse when it could rain.
The beneficiaries Ahimbisibwe Albert, Ndyanabo Anfrey and Busigye patience said they have been travelling long distances to collect the stagnant water and that it has been putting them at a risk of drowning in the swamp and being beaten by the snake.
They further thanked Hon Kamusiime Caroline who installed boreholes at free charge in their areas to reduce the risks of stagnant water.
Residents however pleaded for mercy to have at least one free tap in every cell due to the economic hardship.
The meeting was attended by officials from National water and Sewerage Corporation, District political wing, Technical staff, sub county chairpersons, Clergy, Youth chairpersons and the entire residents.
Rukiga district has two National water and sewerage corporation Branches. One in Muhanga town council and another one in Rwamatunguru in Kamwezi Sub County.

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