PDM Data Collectors Urged to Exhibit High Level of Transparency.

By Evans Najuna.


Tororo Deputy Resident District commissioner (DRDC), Amula Albert has urged the Parish Development Model (PDM) data collectors to exhibit high level of Transparency while exercising their work.

Amula made the remarks today Wednesday while Commissioning the  trainers for the Parish development model for bukedi region. “This work you are going to do will help in successful implementation of the model in respective districts” the DRDC said.

He called upon them to implement what the team from Uganda bureau of statistics(UBOS) has taught other stakeholders of the Parish development model in their respective districts.

The president launching The PDM some time back

The government of Uganda is embarking on implementing the Parish development model which is a strategy for improving incomes and welfare of uganda by bringing services closer to the people at parish level.

UBOS director

In order to implement this program successfully across the country, key stakeholders are being trained to implement the program in their respective districts. Uganda bureau of Statistics (UBOS) has carried out a two day training workshop of Baseline data collection for Parish development model( PDM) targeting trainer of trainers for bukedi region in Tororo district.

The Commissioned technical officers will cover 7 districts of bukedi sub-region and these are; Tororo, Pallisa, Butebo, Butaleja, Kibuku, Busia and Budaka Districts. These officers are going to be trainer of trainers on the Parish based management information system as a key pillar of the parish development model.

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