Poor Road Connectivity Hinders Service Delivery in Rukiga District

By Our Reporter

During the lunch of the parish development modal yesterday 1st July 2022 at Rushebeya pray ground in Rwamucuucu town council in Rukiga district, the minister Musasizi pointed out that poor road connectivity has hindered service delivery in Rukiga.

The parish development modal program was launched by the Minister of State for Trade, Industry and Cooperatives accompanied by the Minister of State for Finance (General Duties) Hon Henry Musasizi Ariganyira together with the Area Mp Rukiga district Hon Bish.

While giving his submissions, the chairperson Rukiga District Hon Robert Kakwereere said that the district was recently listed among the worst performing districts in the country and that one of the biggest challenges here is that most of the villages are in hard to reach areas due to poor Roads.

The area member of the parliament Hon Ndyomugyenyi Roland Bish who was the host Mp. said that the parish development modal will help to uplift many families from the poverty line because it is based on the parish level.

The legislator told the participants that Rukiga District has a factory in process which was secured only waiting for it’s  aproval and that Mparo HC IV and Kamwezi HC IV will also receive scan Machines which will help solve some issues in these two big Healthy centers in the district.

He expressed a need of Vocational school for skilling the Youth and a district hospital to avoid risking lives of the patients while taking them to Kabale regional Hospital for referral.

The two ministers took time to explain the advantage of the PDM program to the participants and called upon the local Leaders to continue sensitizing communities to receive this program as it will help them develop.

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