Religious Leaders asked to intensify on preaching  against Poverty 

Amos Tayebwa


As Moslems are celebrating their Eid Mubarak, Religious Leaders have been appealed that through their worshiping Centers they should emphasize on preaching about  fighting poverty.

This call was made by Capt. Johnbosco Bamuturaki Tumusiime, the former Mbarara District LC5 Chairman through his message to the Moslems upon finishing their month of Ramadan. 

Bamuturaki appealed mostly the religious leaders to use their respective churches or mosques to sensitize the masses on how they can improve themselves economically in their families. He said that it should not be only about preaching the word of God but there should be messages through worshiping places that encourage the believers to use government programs like Emyoga, PDM among others that intend to eradicate poverty from the communities.  That the government is using church and mosque avenues in sensitizing the masses on promoting social economic transformation. 

“I appeal to the Moslems that  they should have projects at mosque premises that can generate some income. At least you have seen churches into coffee plantation, you have seen them putting up technical schools and other income generating activities” said Bamuturaki.

“My appeal is that the message of social economic transformation should be spread in our areas of worship daily and every time when the masses converge. Let’s keep reminding our people that we have to work hard to get out poverty so that we can take our children to school” he added.

Bamuturaki further appealed to the Moslems and Christians to work together regardless of different ideologies and faith. ” We should desist from division and separation among ourselves. We believe in one God so we should not create differences among ourselves, let’s be united  and live in harmony” he said. 

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