Speakership Race: I’m the Most Experienced for Speaker – Okot Ogong

The Dokolo South County Member of Parliament, Felix Okot Ogong has said he is the most suitable and experienced candidate for Speaker of Parliament having served as Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and NRM Caucus Chairperson.
Okot, who has been in Parliament for 27 uninterrupted years, expressed his interest for the position of Speaker on Tuesday at the National Resistance Movement (NRM) party electoral commission headquarters in Kampala.
“I am undoubtedly the most qualified person with 27 years of uninterrupted experience in Parliament,” he said.
In 2001 Okot became the State Minister of Parliamentary Affairs at the age of 36 and was also doubling as the Parliamentary Commissioner.
“I have also served as the State Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and the Chairperson of NRM Caucus,” he added.
Full Profile
Okot Ogong completed his Uganda certificate of education Lango College in 1983. He later joined Uganda Makerere high school where he sat for UACE in 1988.
He graduated from Makerere University in 1991 with BA degree in economics and Geography.
Okot was Elected Member for Parliament Dokolo County in 1996 after the promulgation of the 1995 constitution.
In 1998 he was made Chairman of parliamentary committee of Trade and Industries.
He served as the Chairman of the National Resistance Movements(NRM) Caucus from 1998 to 2001.
In 2001 he was appointed Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and served until 2003 when he was made the Minister for youth and children Affairs. He left Cabinet in 2006.
In 2007 he became the chairman Greater North Parliamentary Forum and served until 2011.
In 2016 he joined the Pan African Parliament and is still serving.
The election for the Speaker of Parliament is set for Parliament is set for Friday after the NRM CEC and Caucus meetings on Wednesday and Thursday respectively.
The seat fell vacant after the death of Jacob Oulanyah that happened on Sunday in Seattle, United States.

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