Three Mubende District Local Government bosses arrested over corruption

By our reporter


The State House Anti-Corruption Unit has arrested three senior officials of Mubende District Local Government on allegations of Abuse of Office and Neglect of Duty.

The three, who were arrested on Wednesday, 17th April, 2024 are the Acting District Health Officer, Ssendikadiwa Vito Bosco, John Baptist Muzibira, District Engineer and Kamya John Birungi – Civil Engineer.

Ward at Kibalinga HCIII (curtesy photo)

According to the State House Anti-Corruption Unit, it’s alleged that Ssendikadiwa Bosco, being the contract manager and the two engineers, being the project supervisors, failed to effectively manage the project which resulted into non completion and visible shoddy work of an extension of a maternity ward and construction of the waiting shed at Kibalinga Health III in Mubende District Local Government.

The trio has been detained at Mubende Central Police Station as investigations are finalized before they appear before court.

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