UBOS Launches Digital Data Collection Tool For PDMIS

By Evans Najuna


Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) has launched a digital data collection tool for the Parish Development Model Information System (PDMIS). The launch was held on Thursday at Statistics House (UBOS headquarters) in Kampala after the training of trainers and supervisors from Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology (ICT), Ministry of Local Government, Ministry of Agriculture, Animals and Fisheries (MAAIF) and Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS).

This team that has been on training for two days will be dispatched to fifteen sub-regions of Uganda and train two people at every district who will in turn train others at Sub-county level and later data collectors at village level.

UBOS executive Director. Dr. Chris Mukiza launching PDMIS Digital data collecting tool

While launching the system, the Executive Director of Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) Dr. Chris Mukiza, informed the trainers and supervisors that they should know the importance of data and how it’s collected will be essential to the success of the Parish Development Model. He added that many stakeholders want know how PDM finances are being managed and that they need to know how data will be managed and implemented. “You can’t manage what you can’t measure or if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it,” Mukiza said.

Data supervisors and trainers during session

He cautioned them that this time round they don’t want this intervention to be affected by earlier challenges of different government interventions which were implemented without adequate data baseline to inform the targeted beneficiaries. He advised them to make sure that the instruments going to be used to collect baseline data is well understood by the people who collect data but firstly those who are going to train the data collectors at the parish level. Mukiza added that the government is now working under the Multi-sectoral Approach-‘government is working as one unit’. “Our past experience is that when you meet people in the field for some, they would say this is not ours,” he explained. He said previously, some people would become less concerned after getting the money, abandoning supervision and work and later disappearing from the field. He warned them not to the same.

Whereas, UBOS legal manager Ms. Pamela Kansiime, congratulated the trained team, he warned them to follow the guidelines in the UBOS Act, Defaulting the Act adding that these may attract a penalty. “Trainers of Trainers should be most knowledgeable so learn as much as you can,” Kansiime said. Adding that, confidentiality is a key and it’s a UBOS norm.

The data collected will be confidential and will go directly to identified and proper beneficiaries specifically to the people in subsistence economy (those people living from hand to mouth). This data collection will take 14 days with effect from 10th – 24th June. Baseline information will be used to monitor the progress of households towards betterment on the seven PDM pillars; Production and storage, Infrastructure, Financial inclusion, Social services, Mindset change among others.

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