Vendors Finally Enter Mbarara Central Market
By Admin
By the close of today Thursday, about 593 Vendors will have shifted from Independence park (Nalufenya) and entered the newly constructed Mbarara Central  market which has been a long waited moment.
Chairman of Vendors Emmanuel Muhumuza, has confirmed that by the end of today, about 95% of his vendors will have shifted and entered the market. Muhumuza revealed that the facility can accommodate about 1095 number of vendors. He added that by close of today about 593 vendors will have shifted and entered the market. By midday today  a category of vendors that deal in fruits, butcher, fisheries and stalls have already entered the market operating normally.
Emmanuel Muhumuza Chairman Vendors speaking to Journalist inside Central market
Mbarara Central market has been closed since construction was completed. It was commissioned by the minister of local government Raphael Magyezi who later directed that this market remain closed due to misunderstandings and confusion in allocation processes. The process of allocation was messed by the former leaders of the market and the allocation committee. This forced the interdiction of the Mbarara City Commercial officers who allegedly took part in dirty related issues. More so, the then allocation committee was also interdicted by the same minister. He put his own team that has successfully completed the allocation process and now shifting the vendors. This allocation process has been headed by the chairman Muhumuza who has been assisted by the office of  Mbarara RCC and partly the office of Mbarara City Town clerk.
Vendors on their businesses in Central market
Muhumuza he has told our reporter that the first priority has been given to the real vendors who were operating from this market before they were shifted to Independence park for construction.  “I have made sure that whoever enters this market is the real vendor who has been fully registered with us as it was directed by the minister that we shouldn’t allow anybody who is a stranger to come into our market. And I confirm that whoever has entered inside is a real vendor who qualifies to be in this place,  there is no any commotion or demonstration we have detected as our vendors shift from independence park  to this market” said Muhumuza.
He said that the rest of the vendors have not been considered due the fact that they were not qualified. These are requested to relax and wait the team to first settle people who have their files and later as spaces become available, will also get back to them to make sure no body is left at Independence park. He added that even those  who were calling themselves landlords will also be considered later in the time when the real vendors are fully allocated.
” We are working tooth and nail to make sure that by the end of today  atleast 95% is covered and we remain with those people like who dont have like specifications, those who claim that they have been in the market for over 20 years but not operating as vendors, those who have been working in the market we can’t neglect them because they have to be accommodated since we still have enough space” he added.

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