We need facilitation, security & medical attention – Whistleblowers task Govt

By Our Reporter


To end corruption in Uganda, Whistleblowers and those who are victims of attacks in fighting corruption have tasked the government of Uganda to fix in the budget and allocate some funds purposely to facilitate activities done by Whistleblowers.

Amos Katurebe, the Anti-corruption Hero 2019 has requested the government of Uganda to look into their budget and start facilitating the whistleblowers because they are on risk.

Katurebe is a Councilor at Mbarara City South Division who was attacked in 2017 November by unknown assailants that poured him acid which burnt his face that resulted into his blindness.

Katurebe was attacked by enemies who were trying to finish him because he was a witness in some cases of corruption related issues.

He was fighting against corruption agitators in Mbarara City especially land grabbers.

In 2019, the president of Uganda recognised Councilor Katurebe among the few Anti Corruption Heros in Uganda. He was awarded a medal.

However, Katurebe has revealed that its not enough. Adding that Whistleblowers live risky moments as they fight corruption after reporting the culprits, therefore they should be given security especially bodyguards when they are witnesses in some cases of corruption.

Katurebe adds that some people like him have been attacked, injured to the extent that some are disabled now.

He has appealed to the government and the president to always consider these people.

That when he or she is attacked in a time of fighting corruption, they should be given medical attention especially when one is disabled.

He has also emphasized that there should be followup on the President’s pledges to people who are attacked while fighting corruption. ” I want to emphasize that there should be followup on president’s pledge by the IGG, minister of state for presidency and the ant corruption unit so that the whistleblowers and victims like him can get their pledge. You can imagine since 2019 up to date my pledge from the president has never been worked on by the people he directed to work on me. The file still arises in the hands of the Deputy Attorney General Jackson Kafuzi” Katurebe added.

Speaking to Wallnetnews reporter, Katurebe said these following the Ant-corruption day that was celebrated few days ago in Ibanda District.

He thanked president Museven for introducing this day in a way of recognising ant-corruption Hero’s.

That it’s one of the efforts that the president has made to fight against corruption in Uganda. He further tasked all the Ant-corruption agencies to work tooth and nail to ensure that all corruption culprits are brought to book and penalized accordingly as law abides.

“I want to urge that every culprit that is caught in acts of corruption especially these government workers should be heavily punished and be dismissed from the Office. Am happy that for example those officials from Mbarara City who were involved in the corruption related issues were interdicted. I pray that if these people are investigated and found guilty should be dismissed from their work and should refund what they swindled” said Katurebe.

Some of the Officers who have been on interdiction on matters of corruption include James Ababa Senior Commercial Officer, Donat Mutaahi Assistant Commercial Officer and Edgar Rwabutagu the Procurement Officer.

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