The Minister of Works and Transport General Edward Katumba Wamala has advised the former CEO of Uganda Airlines Cornwell Muleya to seek legal redress in Court if he is thinks the company unfairly fired him.

“That is his problem; he signed a contract which is very clear so we shall follow what the contract says. If he wants to challenge the contract terms that is up to him, it is his right he can go ahead and go to Court to challenge it.”

He made this statement last Friday from Hotel Africana while speaking to Journalists on the sidelines of the inauguration of the new Uganda Airlines Board.

He further said that the airline will follow the terms and conditions stated in the contractual agreement signed by the former CEO when handling the matter as he added: “We will follow the terms which are in the contract. What does the contract say? For example if the contract says on termination of service, you will get one month’s pay in lieu of your emoluments that’s what it will be because you signed a contract which means you have read the terms of the contact. So we will execute what the contract say, there is no debate about that.”

Former Chief Executive Officer of Uganda Airlines Cornwell Muleya

This development follows a story we ran on this website last week that Cornwell Muleya through his lawyers Muwema and Co. Advocates on 30th March 2022 had issued a notice of an intention to sue to Uganda airlines citing among other issues unfairness when he was suspended from work and later his contract terminated.

“Despite the above glaring irregularities, our client was directed to keep away from the company premises without any lawful or just cause,” the notice of intention to sue reads in part.

According to a notice from his lawyers dated 28th March 2022, Muleya is seeking UGX3.5b in damages, payment of arrears, and other costs from the Airline; of which failure will lead to legal action.


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