By Admin 


Locals from Bunusya and Rwemigina in Mbarara City North have talked earth and Heaven while telling off their Member of Parliament whom they accuse for having neglected their demands in service delivery particularly electricity.

Following the recent outcry, the same locals headed by the local leaders are regretting the matter to why they went vote their MP due to the fact that he has refused to respond to their concerns about electricity issue that was put to his attention. They say that they voted down their Former MP Michael Tusiime and brought in the new MP whom they say that they had so much trust in him first according to the promises he assured to them during his campaigns towards the 2021 general elections. Little did they know that they were mere promises.

Francis Kambamu the LC2 Chairman and coordinator speaking to locals

Rwemigina and Bunusya ward all in Mbarara City north are the only wards which have never had lines of electricity in Mbarara City North. These wards are almost in the Center of Mbarara City but for over years, they are still in total darkness. According to the locals, they have tried to lobby for this facility through their leaders like Area MPs and the Mayor but nothing has ever indicated that there is hope for electricity. Locals say their leaders have kept adamant on this issue. They have written several letters to the offices of MP and Mayor Kakyebezi but these leaders have refused to respond on this matter.

During the second meeting about the same issue of electricity for the above mentioned wards, Robert Atwiine, the Councilor representing the people of Rwemigina ward in Mbarara City North Division was bitter to tell locals to forget leaders who have refused to solve their problems.

Tadeo Muhwezi raising his issues during the meeting

During the meeting, locals have resolved to work for themselves and forget begging from the area MPs who are arrogantly silent on the locals’ concern. They have decided to lobby electricity for themselves. They agreed to start mobilizing some money to bring people from ERA and do survey so that the program of electricity in these areas can be start instead of waiting for their MPs who are not bothered about the concerns of their people.

“As residents of Rwemigina and Bunusya wards we have not benefited from our leaders. we are now hustling for ourselves when these projects are supposed to be lobbied by our MPs. This is the time now to task the government to work for us, we want our leaders to know that we are the ones who voted for them, we shall not keep silent when we are suffering. If our MPs are not able to fight for us, then let’s work for ourselves, we have decided to put them aside from our issues and we shall push this program for ourselves up to the Ministry. I sure you that the minister of Energy is aware about this matter and this was whistled by us not our MPs. We shall fight for ourselves with or without our leaders” said Atwiine

” I was too close to our Mp, he used to call me day and night during the campaigns but when he won the election he has never called me again, he can’t even pick my calls, I therefor suggest that let’s forget our Honorable MPs and we deal with our local leaders and lobby for ourselves. Let’s mobilize resources we bring the Engineer to do survey in these areas and see how we can get electricity” he added.

Francis Kambamu the LC2 chairman for Rwemigina ward said that top leaders for Mbarara City have left these areas backwards. That their politicians especially members of Parliament have totally done nothing to help the people of these areas to have electricity. That about 11 cells have never had electricity.

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