Kabale Deputy RDC threatens to arrest any absentee absentee civil servants

In a move to improve public service delivery, the Kabale Deputy Resident District Commissioner, Ronald Bakak, has issued a stern warning to civil servants in the district against absenteeism from work.

Bakak stated this yesterday while addressing the Kabale District parish Chiefs who had gathered for a one day health workshop at Kabale Regional Referral Hospital main hall that was intended to give guidelines on incoming massive immunization campaign against measles and other diseases in Kabale district, saying absenteeism among civil servants is a form of corruption, as they are being paid for days they have not worked threatening that Kabale is yet to introduce a working system that would only pay civil servants for the number of days they actually worked which shall not be tolerate  anymore because it’s cheating the government.

Bakak explained that civil servants play a crucial role in the delivery of public services, and their presence at work is essential revealing that disciplinary action would be taken against any civil servant found to be habitually absent from their duties without valid reasons in that Civil servants are the backbone of service delivery in this country and If they are not present at their workstations, it affects the entire system hence introducing a system that will pay them based on the number of days they have worked through the office of Human Resource Officer which he says that this will ensure accountability and improve service delivery mostly to the local communities.

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