Ronald Mayinja hits it beyond capacity at Serena hotel concert

Veteran band musician Ronald Mayinja registered success for his concert at the Kampala Serena Hotel last night. By 9pm, all entrances were closed as the venue was full.

The singer then took his fans down memory lane in some of his best songs such as Doreen, Necklace, Tuli Ku Bunkenke, among others.

Without a shadow of a doubt, the audience vibed along and gave him a good reception. And neither did he disappoint as his performance was on spot.

Several other singers especially his acquaintances also performed and thrilled fans. These included the likes of Carol Nantongo, Maureen Nantume, Dr Jose Chameleone and Bebe Cool.

However, it was the performance of the latter two that had fans on their toes going wild. Bebe and Chameleone showed why they are the undisputed best of their generation.

Meanwhile, traditional herbalist, Mama Fina gave Mayinja a huge token of appreciation which was rumored to be Shs 10m.

Sources have it that she was thanking him for ditching NUP for NRM. Besides, the success or flop of this concert had a political side to it.

Most people affiliated with NUP wished for its massive flop while pro-NRM ones prayed for a huge win. And no wonder t-shirts of the PLU movement of Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba were seen being flaunted in the audience.

It should be recalled that Mayinja was once an opposition darling, especially for his revolutionary songs. However, a while back, he ditched Bobi Wine’s camp, joined NRM, and severally attacked the NUP principal.

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